You are invited to submit a Problem Based Learning Discussion (PBLD) for consideration for presentation at the SPPM 7th Annual Meeting, February 26-27, 2020, at the Atlantis Resort in Nassau, Bahamas.
Submissions may be a case or problem that is real or fictitious, and could describe issues related to pediatric pain medicine, regional anesthesia, resident education, medical ethics, or professionalism. The ‘Guidelines for PBLD Submission‘ document describes the format for submission in more detail. Reviewers will score submissions for interest, scientific accuracy, and clarity of thought and expression.
Two moderators must be named for each submission, and if accepted, both must agree to participate as moderators for the group discussion at the meeting. Ideally, though not necessarily, one moderator will be an experienced educator, and the other a junior faculty member or a fellow in-training.
The final deadline for receipt of submissions will be midnight on Friday, June 21, 2019, Pacific Time. No late submissions will be entertained.
Submissions should be sent as a Word document to Jenny Patterson at the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine via e-mail at [email protected]. If accepted, you will be notified by email by July 15, 2019.