Do you have an idea for a Workshop, Round Table, or Problem-Based Learning Discussion (PBLD) that would benefit the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine membership? If so, please see the requirements and submission information below for the SPPM 12th Annual Meeting.

WORKSHOPS – Submission deadline is August 2, 2024
We are looking for workshop topics that will be of interest to those involved in the prevention, assessment, and management of pain in infants, children, and adolescents.
- If your workshop will require equipment provided in-kind by vendors/commercial supporters – please confirm with vendors that they are willing to provide/ship the equipment prior to submitting your proposal.
- Include a plan for your workshop if it can be held in a virtual/online format.
- Please list all proposed faculty on your submission; confirm that they are willing to participate prior to submitting your proposal.
- SPPM will not provide any compensation or reimbursement to non-member faculty for workshops.
Please complete the workshop form if you would like to coordinate a workshop in 2025. If there are any specific barriers to address or resources we can help with, please include those in your application. Submissions will be closely reviewed by the meeting planning committee.
NOTE: SPPM will NOT be offering workshops on the Wednesday evening prior to the main meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Please complete and submit the form to [email protected] no later than August 2, 2024.
EXPERT ROUND TABLES- Submission deadline is August 2, 2024
If you have a suggestion for an Expert Round Table Discussion, please send the following information to [email protected] by August 2, 2024.
- Topic/Title
- 2-3 Learning Objectives
- Suggested moderators/presenters (only two)
You are encouraged to submit Round Tables moderators who are from different institutions. In order to be considered an “Expert” Round Table, one moderator should an established attending or subject matter expert.
The goal of the expert round table is to provide a broad discussion around a common clinical problem with experts providing advice on how they or their institution may manage the clinical problem or condition. Examples of prior Expert Round Tables include: management of sickle cell disease, neonatal pain control.

Submissions may be a case or problem that is real or fictitious, and could focus on topics of interest to those who provide pediatric pain management, anesthesia, or sedation, as well as resident education, medical ethics, or professionalism related to our sub-specialty. The ‘Guidelines for PBLD Submission’ document describes the format for submission in more detail. Reviewers will score submissions for interest, scientific accuracy, and clarity of thought and expression.
Two moderators must be named for each submission, and if accepted, both must agree to participate as moderators for the group discussion at the meeting. One moderator should be an experienced educator, and the other a junior faculty member or a fellow in-training.
Please remember that the goal of the PBLD is for the LEARNER to participate in discussing the management options, not for the MODERATOR to tell participants how they actually did the case.
- is relevant to the practice of our subspecialty (i.e. not an extremely rare case)
- has controversy and/or decision making that should be discussed/debated
- has some surprises, “twists or turns”
- has well-written objectives that are covered by the discussion
- has well selected references
Many unusual cases are better suited to a Medically Challenging Case or Case Report/Scientific Abstract instead of a PBLD. Therefore, it is important for the author to demonstrate to the reviewers that the PBLD contains areas for discussion, such as different ways of managing clinical issues, among others.
It is crucial that submissions are carefully proofed for grammatical errors and typos, as carelessly written PBLDs are often automatically rejected. It is also required that authors disguise or redact any identifying information by changing demographic details and circumstances of the clinical scenario to avoid potential HIPAA violations.
Finally, please carefully consider your submissions title. The planning committee and reviewers will look to ensure that the title reflects the learning objectives and content of the proposed discussion topics.
For more information on how to create a great PBLD:
The final deadline for receipt of submissions will be 3:00pm Eastern Time on Friday, August 2, 2024. No late submissions will be entertained. If accepted, you will be notified by email in early September. Submissions should be sent as a Word document to Jenny Patterson via e-mail at [email protected].