September 2017 Welcome to your Question of the Month - September 2017 Spinal anesthesia in infants is a viable anesthesia technique for surgeries such as inguinal hernia. A 2 month-old former 30 week gestation female is scheduled for a unilateral inguinal hernia repair. The resident on the case has a strong desire to perform the spinal. How does practitioner level (Attending/CRNA/Resident) matter in terms of success/failure of placement of an infant spinal? A) Spinal success rate is similar regardless of practitioner type B) Anesthesia attendings have as much as 15 times lower failure rate than a resident C) In order of highest success rate- anesthesia attending>resident>CRNA D) Ability to obtain CSF flow is similar with all practitioners, but block effectiveness varies with practitioner type Time's up