Moderating is NOT just introducing the speakers on the day of show. Moderator responsibilities include:
- Reach out to session speakers to review learning objectives and planned content.
- Request that speakers send you a draft of their lecture slides no later than Friday, March 15, 2021.
- Confirm that the content doesn’t overlap between lectures in your session – – it is okay if one talk builds on the previous one.
- Verify that talks don’t contradict each other on basic ideas
- Check for any potential conflicts of interest or copyright issues.
- Review graphics to be sure they are readable.
- Request that edits be made to the slides before the final submission deadline of March 29, 2021.
- Staff will send out a Presentation Approval Dashboard (PAD) for moderators to use to review final slides and the recorded lecture presentations. Moderators will be asked to:
- Review speaker Disclosures
- Confirm that the speaker disclosed and Conflicts of Interest (COI).
- If a conflict is identified, you will need to notify the program chair and staff. There is a process in place for resolving conflicts.
- Check the quality of the recorded lecture (audio, graphics, video, etc.). Staff will also review all lectures as they are submitted.
- DURING the Session
- Speaker introductions will happen live. Have your introduction prepared ahead of time. Know your speakers. Review the speaker bios in the PAD. Keep your introductions concise and refer learners to the Mobile Meeting Guide to read the full speaker bios.
- Ask the Speaker – monitor and select questions to ask presenters during Live Q&A. You will receive a Moderator Dashboard to manage the questions that are submitted by the learners.
- Come with at least one relevant question for each speaker. It can even be okay to tell the speaker “I will have this question for you based on what I see in these slides.”