This committee was founded several years ago to advance the mission of pediatric patients in pain everywhere. We work with parent/patient organizations like US Pain Foundation and their Pediatric Pain Warriors Program https://pediatricpainwarrior.org and collaborate with other organizations/SIGs such as the US Association for the Study of Pain (USASP), the IASP SIG for Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. The Advocacy Committee is currently working on increasing awareness for #PainAwarenessMonth by creating short audio interviews with authors of important new articles, parents and others.
While some members of the SPPM Advocacy Committee are on the Board of Directors of the US Association for the Study of Pain (USASP), the AMA Pain and Opioid Taskforce, the AAP Section of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, and advisory committees of several parent/patient organizations the Committee needs all voices and points of view to help with these efforts. The SPPM Advocacy Committee is open to SPPM Members