Up to $2,000 is available as a one-time award to Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine members. The award is designed to help SPPM members create an innovative research program for pediatric pain medicine related patient care or for the wellbeing of SPPM members.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2023
Eligibility: Current Members of the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine
Award: Awards will be made on the basis of a competitive application process. It is an opportunity for SPPM members to establish innovative research programs for pediatric pain medicine related patient care or for the wellbeing of SPPM members.
Proposal Submission and Review: Questions regarding the application process and administrative issues should be directed to Jenny Patterson in the SPPM office. Proposals will be evaluated and ranked by the SPPM Research Committee. Selection criteria for the award will include the quality of the project, the extent the opportunity will contribute to the advancement of the health and welfare of pediatric patients or SPPM members. The project must be completed within one year.
Office of Sponsored Programs Proposal Summary and Approval Form
Awardees only will need to submit a Proposal Summary and Approval Form to the Office of Sponsored Programs following notification.
Final Report
We plan to invite the awardee to deliver an oral presentation to the SPPM members during the SPPM Annual Meeting. A final report summarizing accomplishments will be submitted one month prior to the SPPM Annual Meeting. The requirements for the final report will be determined by the Committee and will be based on the proposal.
Click here to access the full application and additional instructions.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2023
Completed applications should be sent to Jenny Patterson at jenny@societyhq.com