The Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine is pleased to announce the availability of Young Investigator Research Award.
Upon review of the all of the submitted proposals, the Committee may distribute one or more award up to total up to $2,000. The Committee may also choose to reduce the awarded amount or not fund any of the submitted projects for a given calendar year.
Investigators are encouraged to submit grants investigating basic science or clinical research questions, innovations in education, or quality and safety projects, including simulation.
Submission deadline: December 15, 2024 EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 31, 2024
Eligibility: The individual must be a current member of the Society for Pediatric Pain Medicine who is no more than 7 years from completion of their last formal training.
- Title Page
- TWO PAGE description of the proposed project
- Specific Aims/Hypotheses/Goals
- Importance of this project for pediatric anesthesiology
- Background information
- Previous data, if any
- Methods, including sample size analysis
- Planned data analysis
- Biosketch (NIH Style) of the Applicant and Mentor
- Letter of support from Chair of Department
- Letter of support from research mentor
- Letters of support from project collaborators
December 15, 2024EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 31, 2024
Initial proposals will be reviewed by the Research Award Review Committee, with a decision one month after submission deadline. Each grant will be scored based on the following criteria:
Principal Investigator:
Does the applicant have the potential to succeed as a mentored investigator?
Does the applicant have any previous research experience or track record that are relevant and should be considered?
Does the investigator demonstrate high potential for developing as a clinician-scientist?
Mentor and Mentorship Team:
Is the mentor qualified for the area of proposed research?
Do the applicant and the mentor have a track record of prior or ongoing collaboration?
Does the mentor have a track record of funded investigation?
Has the mentor demonstrated successful mentorship previously?
Does the project focus on an important question or problem in the field?
Does the application use novel theories, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions? Are the concepts novel to the field
Are the proposed research questions, design, and methodology technically sound?
Are there plans to address weaknesses in the approach?
Is the plan relevant to the applicant’s research career objectives?
Is the approach appropriate to the applicant’s stage of research development?
Environment and Institutional Commitment to the Applicant
Are the research facilities and institutional environment adequate and appropriate to support the candidate, proposal, proposed collaboration, and professional development of the applicant?
Is there a clear departmental commitment to ensure adequate protected time for the candidate to carry out the proposal?
Successful applicants will be invited to submit a more complete and thorough description of the project, with budget, timelines, plans for analysis, and future development.
The initial proposal, with all supporting documents, should be collated into one PDF document with the investigator’s last name as the title, and sent electronically to Jenny Patterson at [email protected].
Results will be announced at the 2025 SPPM Annual Meeting.
Presentation of Research Results
Individuals whose work is funded for 2025 are expected to present their work at the SPPM Annual Meeting in 2026.
Click here to access the full application and additional instructions.
Submission deadline: December 15, 2024 EXTENDED TO DECEMBER 31, 2024
Completed applications should be sent to Jenny Patterson at [email protected]